Appropriations (Section 2)

Amounts in thousands of dollars

1938 64 464
1939 64 464
1940 137 707
1941 141 711
1942 135 700
1943 743 1,278
1944 2,205 2,735
1945 2,274 2,835
1946 2,866 3,415
1947 6,254 8,075
1948 10,126 24,626
1949 14,540 28,540
1950 12,075 52,714
1951 14,314 64,755
1952 15,757 56,928
1953 16,599 58,610
1954 4,675 70,799
1955 4,675 81,151
1956 5,929 98,509
1957 12,122 177,816
1958 14,026 210,423
1959 28,974 291,817
1960 45,994 399,380
1961 83,900 551,023
1962 127,637 740,206
1963 159,826 880,241
1964 163,869 867,369
1965 164,759 959,159
1966 60,469 1,100,519
1967 68,534 1,014,254
1968 81,141 500 1,076,461
1969 84,810 600 18,160 1,109,757
1970 67,925 2,775 19,251 7,541 1,615 1,061,007
1971 66,320 3,666 21,440 8,903 1,212,847
1972 74,981 4,307 24,127 11,712 3,565 1,506,156
1973 75,073 4,666 28,568 12,042 8,500 1,762,565
1974 129,426 4,767 25,871 12,000 8,000 1,790,425
1975 127,200 5,589 28,850 17,326 3,000 2,092,897
1976 130,265 5,705 29,065 18,370 54,000 2,302,126
1976 TQ 20,282 1,135 6,572 4,642 750 439,107
1977 137,500 7,992 35,234 16,394 67,400 2,543,538
1978 145,095 8,483 37,619 18,900 65,650 2,842,936
1979 154,164 8,989 41,431 19,673 30,950 3,189,976
1980 169,196 8,987 43,979 21,036 3,250 3,428,935
1981 175,627 9,124 44,666 22,531 11,750 3,569,406
1982 184,177 9,205 45,035 23,618 9,898 3,641,875
1983 213,917 10,147 51,943 24,683 17,500 4,023,969
1984 243,177 11,336 49,613 26,720 25,040 4,493,588
1985 304,025 11,728 55,910 38,304 21,730 5,149,459
1986 292,523 11,054 55,322 111,961 14,259 5,262,211
1987 20,000 322,860 11,420 61,838 57,208 31,900 6,182,910
1988 23,380 368,153 15,651 67,910 61,819 47,870 6,666,693
1989 29,133 358,076 15,790 73,731 72,076 38,492 7,144,765
1990 33,513 59,538 353,734 15,516 81,861 107,419 61,042 7,576,352
1991 39,722 87,418 335,255 17,519 91,408 95,651 168,687 8,274,739
1992 44,929 104,762 314,213 19,593 99,088 141,854 103,840 8,921,687
1993 403,806 176,619 48,119 106,239 312,468 19,733 113,031 190,325 108,731 10,335,996
1994 425,201 185,617 51,018 128,701 331,915 21,677 119,981 233,605 111,039 10,955,783
1995 290,029 181,150 48,164 151,518 284,693 14,646 125,303 217,882 114,120 1,333,570 11,299,522
1996 458,112 198,401 55,814 169,768 390,298 25,292 140,936 261,072 146,151 11,927,562
1997 489,160 211,870 59,721 189,529 415,095 26,557 150,828 286,810 200,000 12,740,843
1998 527,175 227,175 63,597 217,704 453,883 28,289 161,185 296,373 206,957 13,674,843
1999 602,874 259,575 69,788 264,707 554,446 35,402 181,189 306,356 197,519 15,629,156
2000 685,781 292,369 89,522 335,527 676,557 68,390 43,494 214,068 282,000 165,376 17,840,587
2001 780,833 340,453 104,328 382,112 130,096 817,253 89,138 50,482 246,351 211,800 153,790 20,458,556
2002 886,718 383,615 120,366 428,758 111,861 157,563 1,011,262 104,451 56,859 276,091 235,113 204,600 23,321,382
2003 961,721 416,051 130,584 464,995 278,279 185,714 1,138,821 113,407 63,465 300,135 266,232 628,687 27,166,715
2004 990,953 428,669 134,724 479,073 287,129 191,471 1,179,058 116,978 65,382 317,315 327,504 88,972 28,036,627
2005 1,006,419 438,277 138,072 488,608 298,209 196,159 1,115,090 122,105 66,632 315,146 358,046 110,288 28,594,357
2006 1,000,029 435,930 137,342 486,049 296,810 195,405 1,099,101 121,465 66,378 314,910 478,066 81,081 28,560,417
2007 1,000,621 436,259 137,404 486,491 296,887 199,444 1,133,240 121,576 66,446 320,850 1,046,901 81,081 29,178,504
2008 1,006,022 438,579 138,207 489,368 300,233 200,630 1,155,560 122,224 66,912 322,667 1,111,735 118,966 29,607,070
2009 1,032,759 450,230 141,879 502,367 308,208 205,959 1,226,263 125,471 68,691 330,771 1,246,864 125,581 30,545,098
2010 1,059,848 462,346 145,660 516,028 316,582 211,572 1,268,896 128,844 70,051 339,716 1,177,300 100,000 31,238,000
2011 1,050,542 458,286 144,381 511,497 313,802 209,714 1,257,754 127,713 69,436 336,733 1,166,963 49,900 30,916,345
2012 1,053,367 459,519 144,769 512,873 338,357 276,440 128,057 575,366 69,622 337,639 1,459,117 125,344 30,860,913
2013 13 998,389 435,535 137,213 486,104 320,697 262,011 121,373 545,336 65,988 320,016 1,448,420 118,802 29,315,822
2014 1,025,435 446,025 140,517 497,813 329,172 268,322 124,296 633,267 67,577 327,723 1,400,134 128,663 30,142,653
201515 1,028,614 447,408 140,953 499,356 330,192 269,154 124,681 635,230 67,786 336,939 1,413,734 128,863 30,311,349
201616,17 1,077,488 467,700 146,485 518,956 346,795 279,718 130,789 685,417 70,447 394,664 1,571,200 128,863 32,311,349
201717,18 1,090,853 483,363 150,273 528,566 357,080 289,069 134,689 705,903 72,213 407,510 1,729,783 128,863 34,300,999
201817,19 1,383,603 509,573 158,033 556,881 377,871 303,200 142,184 742,354 75,733 428,553 1,925,893 128,863 37,311,349
201917,20 1,419,844 525,591 162,992 575,579 389,464 314,679 146,473 806,373 78,109 441,997 2,117,675 200,000 39,311,349
202017,21 1,462,016 545,373 169,113 606,349 403,638 335,812 151,740 832,888 80,760 456,911 2,409,387 200,000 41,690,000
202117,22,23 1,479,660 554,923 174,957 615,780 410,728 390,865 154,162 855,421 84,044 463,787 2,532,710 200,000 42,940,500
202217,23,24 1,595,474 573,651 180,862 639,062 424,590 459,056 159,365 882,265 86,880 479,439 2,779,120 250,000 45,182,990
2023 17, 25 1,662,695 595,318 197,693 663,200 440,627 524,395 170,384 923,323 95,162 497,548 3,074,514 350,000 47,683,485

1 Beginning in FY 1998, annual levels includes amounts received by the NIDDK consistent with the Special Statutory Funding Program for Type 1 Diabetes Research (special type 1 diabetes), unrelated to their annual appropriations, as initially authorized under Public Law (P.L.) 105-33 (now Section 330B of the Public Health Service Act) and subsequently re-authorized in 2001, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2012. Between FY 1998-2000, NIDDK received $30.0 million in ‘mandatory’ budget authority each year followed by an increase to an annual level of $100.0 million for FY 2001 through FY 2003. Beginning in FY 2004 continuing through FY 2012, NIDDK has received budget authority of $150.0 million annually for special type 1 diabetes research purposes. For additional information, refer to the program and budget summary maintained by NIDDK at .

2 Starting in 1970, excludes funds for blindness, established as a separate appropriation, the “National Eye Institute.”

3 Congress authorized the transfer of $34,000 from other NIH appropriations to establish the “National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.” Starting in 1976, excludes funds for aging, established as a separate appropriation, the “National Institute on Aging.”

4 In FY 2001, NIH first received a separate appropriation to fund its participation in Superfund Research Program (SRP) activity performed at NIEHS. A significant change occurred in 2000 when Congress chose to provide funding support directly to NIEHS. Previously, the SRP received its funds as pass through dollars from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). From 2000-2005, jurisdiction for SRP funding was assigned to the House Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies Appropriation Subcommittee. In 2005, both the House and Senate restructured their Appropriation subcommittees. As a result of this reorganization, budget review jurisdiction for the SRP was assigned to the Appropriation Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies. A detailed breakdown of budget authority received annually for SRP is found at under the latest appropriations history table, e.g., [2000-2012].

5 NIMH separated from ӰƵapp in 1967 and was raised to bureau status in PHS, became a component of PHS's Health Services and Mental Health Administration (HSMHA), later became a component of ADAMHA (successor organization of HSMHA), and rejoined the ӰƵapp in 1993.

6 Funding for General Research and Services (GR&S) is shown for FY 1938 to FY 1962, at which time the Division of Research Facilities and Resources (DRFR) was established. In 1969, the Bureau of Health Manpower was renamed the Bureau of Health Professions Education and Manpower Training (BEMT). Within the BEMT, the Division of Research Resources (DRR) was established. Functions of DRFR were transferred to this new Division. In 1970, DRR transferred out of this Bureau. Renamed the National Center for Research Resources in 1990.

7 Starting in 1966, excludes funds for the newly established “National Institute of General Medical Sciences.” Starting in 1970, excludes the “Office of International Operations,” transferred to the “National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases” and the “John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences.”

8 Prior to 1970, funds were included under the National Institutes of Health Management Fund. Separate NIH appropriation enacted in 1970.

9 Prior to 1970, Buildings and Facilities funds were included under PHS. Separate NIH appropriation enacted in 1970.

10 “Office of AIDS Research.”

11 Includes amounts specified for facilities repairs and improvements at the National Cancer Institute—Frederick Federally Funded Research and Development Center in Frederick, MD. B&F, often referred to as NCI-Construction. A detailed breakdown of budget authority received for NCI-Construction is found at under the latest appropriations history table, e.g., [2000-2012].

12 Between FY 2002 and FY 2011, the total includes amounts specified for the “Global Fund for HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis” (Global Fund) to be transferred to another federal agency. As of FY 2012, NIAID no longer receives appropriations for Global Fund subject to transfer. A detailed breakdown of budget authority received for Global Fund transfer is found at under the latest appropriations history table, e.g., [2000-2012].

13 Amounts reflect post-sequestration levels consistent with the OMB March implementation report defining reductions mandated under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (P.L. 112-240), Budget Control Act of 2011 (P.L. 112-25) plus Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2013 (P.L. 113-6). IC levels and NIH total exclude allocations derived from the Super Storm Sandy supplemental appropriations act, P.L. 113-2, “Disaster Relief Appropriations Act”, 2013.

14 Funds reflect enacted levels as provided under the Consolidated and Continuing Appropriations Act of 2014 (PL 113-76). The name of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) has been changed to National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) in FY 2015 per the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2014 (PL 113-235). Future revisions of this table will indicate NCCIH replacing the NCCAM abbreviation.

15 Funds reflect enacted levels as provided under the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2015 (P.L. 113-235).

16 Funds reflect enacted levels as provided under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016 (P.L. 114-113).

17 The 21st Century Cures Act, 2016 (P.L. 114-255) authorized an additional $4.8 billion to NIH over a 10 year period, with initial allocations in FY 2017. A total of $352 million Included within the appropriation levels displayed for FY 2017; $300 million for NCI and $52 million for OD. A total of $496 million was included in FY 2018 appropriations; $300 million for NCI, NIMH allocated $43 million, NINDS provided $43 million, and $110 million identified within OD level. For FY 2019, a total of $711 million is authorized; $400 million for NCI, $196 million for OD, and $115 million for NINDS and NIMH. For FY 2020, a total of $492 million was appropriated: $195 million for NCI, $70 million for each of NINDS and NIMH, and $157 million for OD. For FY 2021, a total of $404 million was appropriated: $195 million for NCI, $50 million each for NINDS and NIMH, and $109 million for OD. For FY 2022, a total of $496 million was appropriated: $194 million for NCI, $76 million each for NINDS and NIMH, and $150 million for OD. For FY 2023, a total of $1.085 billion was appropriated: $216 million for NCI, $225 million each for NINDS and NIMH, and $419 million for OD.

18 Discretionary resources of approximately $34.1 billion were received under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (Public Law 115-31) as well as $824.443 million derived from PHS Evaluation financing identified in the NIGMS allocation. Mandatory funding for the Special type 1 diabetes account included in the NIDDK allocation was reduced from the FY 2016 level of $150 million to $139.65 million due to sequestration. In addition to other funds appropriated for the OD from P.L. 115-31, $12.6 million is provided to the OD Common Fund from the 10-year Pediatric Research Initiative Fund described in section 9008 of title 26, United States Code.

19 Discretionary resources of nearly $36.24 billion received under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (P.L. 115-141) as well as $922.871 million derived from PHS Evaluation financing associated with the NIGMS allocation. Mandatory funding for the Special type 1 diabetes account included in the NIDDK allocation of $150 million was authorized by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-123).

20 Discretionary resources of nearly $37.94 billion received under the Department of Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act, 2019 and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (P.L. 115-245), excluding Superfund Research. An additional $77.3 million in discretionary authority is provided in NIEHS allocation for Superfund Research which is currently under a Continuing Resolution through December 7, 2018 (P.L. 115-245) later extended by another C.R. into February 2019 (P.L. 116-5). NIGMS allocation includes $1,147 million derived from PHS Evaluation financing. Mandatory funding for the Special type 1 diabetes account is included in the NIDDK allocation of $150 million as authorized by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-123).

21 NIH Program Level of $41.64 billion is comprised primarily of $40.31 billion discretionary appropriations received under Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (P.L. 116-94). The discretionary sum include $81 million provided in NIEHS allocation for Superfund Research. Additional resources involve PHS Evaluation for NIGMS and Mandatory account funding for NIDDK. NIGMS level includes $1.231 billion derived from PHS Evaluation financing. Special type 1 diabetes mandatory dollars for NIDDK totaled $150 million.

22 Amounts exclude supplemental appropriations enacted in FY 2020 for COVID-19 research from P.L. 116-123, P.L. 116-136, P.L. 116-139, and P.L. 116-260. IC distribution of the additional budgetary resources for COVID-19 supplemental appropriations is furnished in the OB website's Appropriation History for FY 2020-2022 Supplementary Data Table.

23 Discretionary resources of slightly over $41.5 billion received under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260). NIGMS allocation includes $1.272 billion derived from PHS Evaluation financing and NIDDK includes mandatory funding for the Special type 1 diabetes account of $150 million.

24 Discretionary resources of slightly over $43.7 billion received under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (P.L. 117-103). NIGMS allocation includes $1.309 billion derived from PHS Evaluation financing and NIDDK includes mandatory funding of $141.450 million for the Special type 1 diabetes account. Note that P.L. 117-103 authorized the establishment of Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) within the Department Health and Human Services with authority to transfer to NIH.

25 Discretionary resources of slightly over $46.1 billion received under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (P.L. 117-328). NIGMS allocation includes $1.412 billion derived from PHS Evaluation financing and NIDDK includes $141.5 million mandatory funding for the Special type 1 diabetes account.

This page last reviewed on November 14, 2023