Advisory Groups

The ӰƵapp Director has several federal advisory committees comprised of members who are independent of NIH and have the required expertise to advise the ӰƵapp Director on major decisions on plans and policies affecting the NIH. Advisory committees do not have decision making authority. The ӰƵapp Director considers the recommendations of his advisory committees in making decisions on important issues.

Following are list of the ӰƵapp Director’s advisory committees and their primary purposes.

The Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD) is chaired by the ӰƵapp Director and consists of up to 20 members with authority in the fields of research pertinent to the NIH mission and individuals who represent the academic and private sector research community, as well as representatives of the general public. The ACD makes recommendations concerning program development, resource allocation, NIH administrative regulation and policy, and other specific or general aspects of NIH policy. The Committee also reviews and makes recommendations on applications for grants and cooperative agreements for research and training for projects that show promise of making valuable contributions to human knowledge.

The Council is made up of approximately 30 members comprised of members of NIH Institute and Centers (IC) Advisory Councils, representatives nominated by the Office of the Director program offices, and members who represent the public, including a member of the NIH Council of Public Representatives. The Council advises the ӰƵapp Director on matters related to the policies and activities of the Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives (DPCPSI). The Council also acts as an external advisory panel to the IC Directors during the “concept approval” stage of the NIH Roadmap initiative review process.

The Scientific Management Review Board (SMRB) advises HHS and NIH officials on the use of organizational authorities authorized by the which provides certain organizational authorities to HHS and NIH officials regarding ӰƵapp institutes and centers and the NIH Office of the Director.

The Clinical Center Research Hospital Board (CCRHB) was established to oversee management and quality; set requirements for hospital leadership and identify gaps in expertise; establish policies and organizational approaches that promote quality and patient safety; evaluate organizational approaches; and monitor implementation of policies and strategic plans and is composed primarily of external advisors who will use data from leading institutions in health care and research as performance benchmarks.

This page last reviewed on September 12, 2024